Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Some decos

I've been decorating decos yesterday and the day before. I'm glad I got some done because I've had some of them for months so it's about the time for them to start moving. I think for now on, I won't have more than 10 decos in my swap box at the time. I've signed up twice for a 100g deco swap so some of these are going to those and some are going to my 2 1kg spring clean out parcels. I also hope to get some more done tomorrow. Here are the scans:

Famous sights of your country


Desperate Housewives




Emily the Strange

New York

Roses in different colours


  1. That vintage entry is to die for! Can you explain how you made it?

  2. very nice pictures :)
    keep on writing..

  3. I hadn't seen these comments until now...

    Marthe, thank you :) I made the vintage deco of a tissue paper with some blue flowers on it, moistened it and then just screwed it up and dipped it in different different water colours. And then I let it dry and burnt the holes through each layer (as the tissue was folded in 4) by scrolling the centres of each square. And the black line around it was made with charcoal.
